Officers and Directors
President: Pat Hadler
Vice President: Nancy Metzger
Secretary: Margie Tate
Treasurer: Barbara Simons
Immediate Past President: Courtney Kallergis
Board Members 2023-2025: Mary Mars, Mary Smithson
Board Members 2024-2026: Bonnie Ackerman, Paula Sisson
Standing Committees:
Grants Committee
The grants portion of the service committee manages the grants process and makes recommendations to the club on potential grant awardees.
Chair: Jackie Nielson
Members: Pat Fitzpatrick, Margie Tate, Marytherese Croakin, Cari Wolfe
Service Committee
The service committee’s focus is to address community needs. The committee leads the club’s service projects and works in cooperation with our foundation to determine the financial support of grants and service projects.
Co-Chairs: Mary Smithson and Pat Hadler Members: Bonnie Ackerman, Patty Callahan, Pat Fitzpatrick, Pam Jax, Margie Tate
Membership Committee
Membership includes hospitality and the committee deals with the essential areas of recruitment, orientation, continuing education and retention of members. All club members must assist the committee in the recruitment and identification of new members. The hospitality function of the committee is responsible for welcoming of guests and prospective members; greeting speakers and being sure they are properly taken care of; and, as needed, coordinating the decorations for a meeting and collecting money for meal events. Hospitality also functions as a “courtesy committee” by letting members know of members who are sick or recuperating and whose spirits could be lifted by cards or flowers. This also includes letting members know of the death of a member or a person in the immediate family of a member.
Chair: Mary Smithson
Members: Bonnie Ackerman, Mary Mars, Paula Sisson
Finance Committee
This committee prepares the club’s operating budget for approval by the board of directors and membership. The chairs of other committees submit operating budgets to the finance chair (club treasurer) for inclusion in the club budget. During the year, changes in expenditures must be submitted to the finance chair and approved by the board of directors. The finance committee may include the current and immediate past treasurer and president, and a member from the foundation.
Chair: Barbara Simons
Fundraising Committee:
The fundraising portion of the committee raises revenue for the club’s operating expenses and guides the fundraising for the club foundation. Fundraising projects not developed as part of the budget must be approved by the board of directors.
Co-Chairs: Pat Fitzpatrick, Pat Hadler, and Mary Smithson
Communications Committee
The goals of the committee are to keep the membership fully informed of all activities and plans by issuing a monthly newsletter and /or other communications; maintaining the club’s website; and generating publicity for the club in local media. The committee assists the editor of the yearbook, as needed. The committee coordinates publicity for the club on entries for District and International awards. The committee also maintains the records and history of the club and may be responsible for taking photographs of club programs or service projects.
Chair: Courtney Kallergis
Members: Pat Hadler, Bonnie Ackerman, Nancy Metzger
Newsletter and Punchbowl:
Bonnie Ackerman, Nancy Metzger
Special Committees:
Program Committee
Chair: Nancy Metzger, Vice President
Members: Chairs of standing committees
The program committee is responsible for setting the year’s programs for meetings and their locations. The chair is the vice president of the club and its members are the chairs of the other committees and may include other members wishing to assist with programs. The vice president calls the meetings of the committee and coordinates program development. Ideally, the speakers for the year’s programs should be set by the end of June.
Nominating Committee
The committee is composed of at least three members elected by the membership to nominate club officers and directors and foundation directors. The three members are generally elected in January of the club year; the nominations are then given to the membership in March for voting; and the installation of officers and directors occurs in May. If possible, there should be 60 days between the election of the committee and the voting by membership of officers and directors. The committee is responsible for organizing and conducting the installation of officers and directors.
Strategic Planning Committee
Chair: Pat Hadler, President
Members: Club officers and directors working with club chairs
The club president is chair of the committee and its members are the club’s board members. The committee is responsible for coordinating the strategic plan with committee chairs and tracking the implementation of the club’s plan. Issues of concern will be brought to the attention of membership. Every five years, the committee will work in conjunction with the chairs of the other committees to develop a new plan. The new plan must be approved by the board of directors and membership.